mountain home farm butter

Not to be immodest, but our butter is divine. Guernsey cows are known for incorporating delicate flavors of sun and field as well as important nutrients, like vitamin K2 and vitamin A into their milk. Allowing these cows an all grass diet further enhances the vitality of the butter. It is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acids (CLA’s). Both have powerful human health benefits.

To make our butter, we first allow the whole milk to sit still, and the cream naturally rises to the top. After a few hours, the cream is drawn off. State law requires us to pasteurize our cream. We do so gently in a vat at the minimum required temperature of 155°. The cream is then cooled to warm, and aromatic cultures are added. The next morning, we have a beautiful crème fraiche. This lovely cultured cream goes into a small churn, where the cream separates into a solid (butter) and a liquid (buttermilk). We draw off the buttermilk and wash, salt and form the butter.

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